A Bet .. Well Lost
Jason over at CookTrainEatRace
on yesterday's game.
He's a NY boy, I'm a CA girl.
On the line? A $20 donation to the charity of choice for the person's team that didn't win.
It was a close game. Overtime. 20-17 with a field goal clinching the Giants bid to the Superbowl. It wasn't a landslide. It was a well played game.
And, it actually made it hard for me to root against the Giants because the first touchdown by the Giants was made by Bear Pascoe, a former standout of my alma mater, Fresno State. Oh! And David Carr is back on the Giants as well, former 1st round QB draft pick from Fresno as well. (Go Bulldogs!)
So, I decided that the best way to make this a win-win situation is to make my donation to Jason's charity, ShapeUpAmerica. There's really no loss in this.
So, congratulations to Jason and the Giants! I'll try to figure out how to get this check in the mail! :)
11:04 AM | | 10 Comments
Blog Posts of Legend
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This one is for Jeff |
Those posts are usually brought up in conversations with other bloggers and become the inside jokes/references for years to come.
So, after reading Jon's post today about silencing the over-used word, "Epic" that has taken over blog world, I decided to add a column, "Blog Posts of Legend" to the right hand column.
Maybe for purely selfish reasons... because on a bad day, re-reading Jeff's post about his cat, minivan and overly emotional dude rant makes me laugh. And, these others do, too.
Jon- "Ladies and Gentlemen, Epic Has Jumped the Shark"
Jeff- "Things that Bother Me"
K.C. - "Hater in Texas"
Colleen- "Taking a Risk" (or... her first mention of Racing Naked!)
Big Daddy Diesel- "T-Shirt Etiquitte Guidelines"
Jason- "Reflections Brought On By A Book" (Or as I recall, the first mention of the Stotan Machine)

Bear with me, because I'm still giggling...
Click on the link I posted to Jeff's Blog about "Things That Bother Me" .... scroll down the comments and see how Jon responded. Bwhahahaahah!
OK, suggestions for any other "Legendary" posts that should be listed??
5:07 PM | | 11 Comments
Twitter and Chrissie Wellington's New Book!
Thanks to a few bloggers (Lesley, Jeff, Jason, BDD..) I found myself with an account on Twitter to keep up with the chatter.
So, yesterday she posted that they were looking for suggestions on where to stop on her upcoming book tour, for her new book, "A Life Without Limits."
I tweeted, "Dallas, of course, and it would be her biggest stop, because everything is bigger in Texas!"
Well, that tweet caught the eye of her book publicist and she contacted me to see if I'd like an advanced copy to review on my blog!
It took me about a millisecond to say, "Absolutely!" I was already planning on buying the book, so I can't tell you how excited I am going to be able to review it! Can't wait! I'll let you know when I receive it.
If you're on Twitter, let me know so that I can follow you!
I'm at @IronTexasMommy
12:25 PM | Labels: book, Chrissie Wellington, life without limits, review, twitter | 11 Comments
Race this...
Alright newbie swimmer at the pool who decided to try something new for your New Year's resolution, listen up.
Normally, I'm welcoming with open arms. If you ask questions, I'll probably even stop- in the middle of a set- to answer them. I'll smile and give you a head nod while I'm using the kickboard. I'll even forgive you for walking across my lane while I'm swimming. I'm nice like that.
However, Mr. Too Much Testosterone, do not race me every time I come to the wall. I know you're trying hard. But, guess what? I'm doing drills. I'm only swimming with one arm. Yeah. One arm. And, I'm still beating you. Notice my fists are closed? I'm still beating you.
If you want to race, call me on it. Say, "Hey! I want to prove to you how fast I am, so let's race!"
I'll smile.
I'll say Ready... Set... Go!
I might even let you get to the flags before I start, just so that your ego isn't bruised, too badly.
So, check your ego at the door. I'm not trying to race you. If you want to know if you can keep up, then start after me and see if you can stay on my toes. I'm not that fast. Lots of people can put my ego in check, but I'm smart enough not to leave the wall at the same time they do.
When I lap you twice on a 400 set, it's not necessary to get out and stomp out of the pool. We have different goals. You don't need to prove anything. Let's just be friends.
P.S. You might want to try putting your head "IN" the water.
4:48 PM | | 11 Comments
Official Member- Marathon Maniacs!
Is it wrong to be so giddy about this?
I was secretly in awe of those that wore the jerseys (not that you could really miss them.) So, thanks to the New Year's Double and a little bravado on my part for signing up for a double marathon, I was able to achieve a four-star, Iridium level status.
So, don't mind me... I'm going to do a little 'wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle' and celebrate this bucket list item crossed off!
Have a great weekend!
1:16 PM | | 10 Comments
Remembering a Friend
Today is the 2-year anniversary that I lost one of my close friends.
Brandon was the life of the party. He was outgoing, funny, genuine, caring, gracious and would make you smile no matter what the situation. I was lucky enough to call him a friend for almost 5 years.
Unfortunately, he let some hard times in his personal life get to him and took his own life.
These aren't the types of posts that I want to share, but suicide affects so many people and families and can be something that no one saw coming because they hide their pain down to the very last minute.
Brandon's decision to end his life that night took away a friend, a son, a brother, an uncle and so many years of memories that were yet to come and left so much hurt, tears and emptiness for those of us he left behind.
So, I hope that what I can do - as his friend, as a blogger- is to reach out to anyone who reads this, and to remind you that there are people who care about you and the effects of a decision like this cause pain in those you leave behind forever.
If what the world sees on the outside... is different from what you see on the inside, please talk to someone or visit:
6:30 AM | | 6 Comments
A Race Bling Year in Review - 2011
Didn't want to bore you too much with an in-depth year review.
Top highlights:
1) I became an Ironman!
2) Sponsored by Team Aquaphor and was able to represent them at most of my races!
3) I raced at the USA Triathlon Age Group National Championships and had the opportunity to road trip through most of the East Coast with my mom and daughter
4) I completed a Double Marathon and will be joining Marathon Maniacs!
I am so grateful for the friendships that I've made blogging and the support, encouragement and advice I've received this year. Thank you!
Total Mileage:
Bike: 2603.85 Mi
Run: 650.37 Mi
Swim: 123.68 Mi
So, since I know many of you race for the bling and to keep things short and sweet..here's the medals from most of the races that I participated in this year:
Ironman Texas 70.3 - 4.10.11 |
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Ironman Texas - 5.21.11 |
Wounded Warrior Half Marathon - 6.12.11 |
Mansfield Sprint Triathlon- 6.19.11 |
Disco Olympic Triathlon- 7.17.11 |
USA Triathlon Age Group National Championships- 8.20.11 |
Wise Tri Olympic Triathlon- 9.11.11 |
Monster Sprint Tri- 10.30.11 |
DRC Half Marathon- 11.6.11 |
Dallas White Rock Marathon - 12.4.11 |
New Years Double Marathon- 12.31.11 & 1.1.12 |
Looking forward to 2012!
4:32 PM | | 12 Comments