Marathon #6 Scheduled!

I waffled.  I waited. I debated. I asked opinions and advice and then waffled some more.  I could not make a decision on whether I wanted to do a full marathon this year.  I stared at my computer until almost 11pm last night wondering if I should click "submit" on the application.  The price went up at midnight.  I hate paying more that I absolutely have to.

In the back of my mind, I had decided that I'd like to continue to do at least one marathon a year.  I completed White Rock last year and really enjoyed it.   But with the Ironman in May, I wasn't sure whether running a full was a good idea. 

I decided to put my doubts to rest ... it's a full 5 months before May and it will help build my run base.  So, I did it.  I had told myself that if I completed 5 marathons in my life, I'd be content.  So, here I am signed up for #6 and will complete #7 in conjunction with IMTX, so I guess, I'll have to get to 10. 

At some point, I'm really gonig to have to get a solid training plan together. 


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