2012 Athlete Resume

The other day, I ran across an Athlete Resume for a professional triathlete and I thought it looked pretty cool, so I thought I'd have some fun with Photoshop and put together my own. 

 A .PDF version can be downloaded, here.


Caratunk Girl said...

Hey!! You are hired!! That is really cool

Unknown said...

you gotz some PS skillz!

That looks pretty damn nice!

Michael said...

That's so much fun!! I love it!


Definitely looks like a pros race schedule. Something every 3 to 4 weeks?

Julie said...

Impressive! And what a schedule you have this year.

Big Daddy Diesel said...

That is pretty cool!!! I like it!!

Jillian said...

Cool resume! I just realized we are both racing the New Orleans 70.3 this year!

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