Official Member- Marathon Maniacs!

Is it wrong to be so giddy about this?

I've known about Marathon Maniacs for years, but quite honestly I've been a 1x/year marathoner pretty much since I started doing them, so I never thought I'd be able to join.

I was secretly in awe of those that wore the jerseys (not that you could really miss them.) So, thanks to the New Year's Double and a little bravado on my part for signing up for a double marathon, I was able to achieve a four-star, Iridium level status.

So, don't mind me... I'm going to do a little 'wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle' and celebrate this bucket list item crossed off!

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hey... I workout!

Congrats!!! Must wear our nasty yellow together at some point!

Christi said...

You go ahead and have the personal party. You deserve it for sure!

Karen said...

Awesome job iridium maniac!

Jason said...

Is Maniac the right term? Maybe Long Run Lunatic?

Congrats on your accomplishment. You are incredible.

TriMOEngr said...

Cool! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Very cool! Congrats.

KC (my 140 point 6 mile journey) said...

perfect and very fitting title! wear that shirt with pride!

Unknown said...

Awesome! I've been eyeing the Half Marathon Maniacs, too. That's on my bucket list for 2012.

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Epic!! I didnt see it listed yet, Congrats, that was not an easy task, you are awesome

RunningAg said...

Awesome sauce (to quote my 13 year old)!!!! That is really something to celebrate! Wear your yellow loud and proud!

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